See the lyrics to “In Times Likes These” below. Written by written by Ruth Caye Jones in 1943
In Times Like These Lyrics
Verse 1
In times like these you need a Savior
In times like these you need an anchor
Be very sure be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
This Rock is Jesus yes He’s the One
This Rock is Jesus the only OneBe (I’m) very sure
be (I’m) very sureY
our (My) anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
Verse 2
In times like these you need the Bible
In times like these oh be not idle
Be very sure be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
Verse 3
In times like these I have a Savior
In times like these I have an anchor
I’m very sure I’m very sure
My anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
About the song “In Times Likes These”
The lyrics to “In Times Like These” were written by Ruth Caye Jones in 1943 during the difficult days of World War II. The song expresses the need for a Savior, an anchor, and the Bible in troubling times. It emphasizes being “very sure” that Jesus Christ is the solid Rock upon which our hope is firmly grounded.
The chorus declares that Jesus is the only One who can be our anchor, holding us secure through life’s storms. The lyrics are based on 2 Timothy 3:1, which warns of “perilous times” to come, and Hebrews 6:19, which describes hope as “an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast”.
Though written over 75 years ago, the message of “In Times Like These” remains powerfully relevant today. In a world filled with uncertainty, war, disease, and moral decline, believers can find peace and security by anchoring their souls to the solid Rock of Jesus Christ and the eternal truths of God’s Word.